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  Formerly known as Chinese Nursing Department, the School of Traditional Chinese Nursing was founded in 1984, and offered the first advanced nursing program among colleges and universities of Chinese Medicine. Prof. Wang Yongyan, an academician of China Academy of Engineering used to be the first director of the department. Three-year vocational training program formally began from 1985. Four-year undergraduate program started in 2000. Master-degree program of traditional Chinese nursing started in 2003. After years of development, the School of Traditional Chinese Nursing has formed a multi-level system of vocational training, bachelor degree and master degree education. There are 700 nursing students on campus. More than 700 students with both Western and Chinese nursing theories and skills have graduated from the school in recent 20 years. Job-obtaining rate of all nursing graduates averages 95%. In July 2001 the school moved from the headquarter campus to the eastern campus of the university.
  The School of Traditional Chinese Nursing attaches great importance to teaching activities, scientific research and subject strengthening. It has assumed responsibility of 17 research programs at either Beijing municipality or the university level. 21 textbooks of different kinds have been published with chief-editors in the school. 46 research papers have been published in first-class national publications.
  To promote traditional Chinese nursing all over the world, and train internationalized nursing professionals with profound Chinese cultural background, basic international nursing concepts and solid nursing techniques, the school has conducted educational reform in aspects of teaching methods and curriculum setup. Bilingual teaching mode is adopted in nursing specialty courses. Students’ ability in nursing practice is emphasized. The school is now doing careful work to study objectives and orientation of external-oriented nursing program in higher learning institutions of Chinese medicine, and explore how to cooperate with overseas colleges and universities.