发布时间:2020-04-17 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

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The School of Humanities was founded on Sep. 24th, 2008. It grows from the School of Foreign Languages and Law & Economics School. With two departments, seven research centers, our school is devoted to excellence in teaching and research. The centers include Experimental Language Teaching Center, International Chinese Training Center, Institute of Internet Governance & Law, Research Institute of Japanese Studies, Research Center for University Network Public Opinion, Telecommunications Law Research Center, South Pacific Research Center. Two departments comprise eight teaching and research labs equipped for a variety of programs in foreign languages and law for both undergraduate and graduate students.Now our school numbers nearly 140 faculty and staff members. Among them, 55 are professors and associate professors and more than 80 percent of faculties hold a master’s degree or a doctoral degree.
人才培养总目标:适应“网络强国” 、“文化强国” 、“依法治国”的实际需求,坚持立德树人、德才兼备,培养具有扎实的专业理论基础、合理的知识结构、熟练的职业技能、深厚的人文素养、宽广的学术视野,具备高效高质量社会服务能力与创新创业能力的复合型、职业型和创新型人才。
The overall objectives for talent training of the School of Humanities include: meeting the actual requirement of building China into a strong cyberpower and a cultural giant as well as rule of law; sticking to the principles of “fostering virtue and integrity through education” and “training talents on the basis of both integrity and ability”. The school will strive to develop comprehensive, professional and innovative intellectuals characterized by solid theoretical foundation, reasonable knowledge structure, skilled occupational expertise, profound humanistic accomplishment, broad academic vision, strong capability of serving the society in high quality and superior competitive edge in innovation and entrepreneurship.
