发布时间:2020-04-16 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

北京大学建筑与景观设计学院城市过程模拟应用实验室介绍的内容如下,更多考研资讯请关注我们考研派网站的更新!敬请收藏本站。或下载我们的考研派APP和考研派微信公众号(里面有非常多的免费考研资源可以领取哦)[北京大学人文社会科学学院财经新闻介绍] [北京大学人文社会科学学院社会学介绍] [北京大学人文社会科学学院联系方式] [北京大学人文社会科学学院简介] [北京大学汇丰商学院2020年硕士研究生招生信息] [北京大学汇丰商学院联系方式]



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城市过程模拟与应用实验室(Laboratory of Urban Process Modeling and Applications,简称UPMA)由John Zacharias 博士于2012年在北京大学创办,针对当代城市发展和城市化的相关问题开展研究,同时为需要国际经验背景的高端项目提供智力支持。实验室立足科研发展的同时也十分重视人才培养和国际交流,四年当中已有1名博士和22名硕士取得学位,且一直与苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)、新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)和香港大学(HKU)等保持科研合作。实验室当前的研究重点包括深圳市交通出行行为研究,天津城区的空间与交通方式演变,自行车在中国城市发展中的角色演变,以及香港地区公共空间和地下空间系统的研究。
Laboratory of Urban Process Modeling and Applications (UPMA) was founded by Dr. John Zacharias within Peking University in Beijing in 2012. Based on his super experienced background in urban development and transport related urbanization, the goals of UPMA are providing data-orientated scientific evidence for policy support and decision making, as well as cultivate the talents. In the past four years more than twenty students got master degree and one got doctoral degree from here. Active participating in international cooperation keeps UPMA well connected with high level universities in research fields, including Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Nanyang Technological University and The University of Hong Kong, etc. Our current work includes a major investigation of travel behavior in Shenzhen, a longitudinal study of the evolution of the space and transport in Tianjin, the evolving role of the bicycle in Chinese cities, and studies of public space and underground systems in Hong Kong.
