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1)Liu D, Ke Z, Luo J.Thiamine Deficiency and Neurodegeneration: the Interplay Among Oxidative Stress, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, and Autophagy.Mol Neurobiol. 2016 Sep 5. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
2)Wang Y, Xu M, Ke ZJ, Luo J.Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying alcohol-induced aggressiveness of breast cancer.Pharmacol Res. 2017 Jan;115:299-308.
3)Wang X, Xu M, Frank JA, Ke ZJ, Luo J.Thiamine deficiency induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and oxidative stress in human neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2017 Apr 1;320:26-31
4)Ren Z, Yang F, Wang X, Wang Y, Xu M, Frank JA, Ke ZJ, Zhang Z, Shi X, Luo J.Chronic plus binge ethanol exposure causes more severe pancreatic injury and inflammation. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2016 Oct 1;508:11-19.
5)Ren Z, Wang X, Xu M, Yang F, Frank JA, Ke ZJ,Luo J. Binge ethanol exposure causes endoplasmic reticulum stress, oxidative stress and tissue injury in the pancreas. Oncotarget. 2016 Aug 5;7(34):54303-316.
6)Xu M, Ren Z, Wang X, Comer A, Frank JA, Ke ZJ, Huang Y, Zhang Z, Shi X, Wang S, Luo J. ErbB2 and p38γ MAPK mediate alcohol-induced increase in breast cancer stem cells and metastasis. Mol Cancer. 2016 Jul 14;15(1):52.
7)Xu M, Wang S, Ren Z, Frank JA, Yang XH, Zhang Z, Shi X, Luo J (2016)Chronic ethanol exposure enhances the aggressiveness of breast cancer: the role of p38 gamma. Oncotarget7(3):3489-505.
8)Xu M, Wang S, Wang H, Qi Y, Chen L, Frank JA, Yang X, Zhang Z, Shi X, Luo J (2016). Role of MCP-1 in alcohol-induced aggressiveness of colon cancer cells. Mol Carcinog 55(5):1002-11
9)Son YO, Pratheeshkumar P, Roy RV, Hitron JA, Wang L, Divya SP, Xu M,Luo J, Chen G, Zhang Z, Shi X (2015) Antioncogenic and Oncogenic Properties of Nrf2 in Arsenic-induced Carcinogenesis. J Biol Chem. 290(45):27090-100.
10)Wang F, Yu K, Yang JJ, Lu YM, Xu YZ, Chen l, Fang H, Wang X, Hu Z, Kan L, Luo J*, Wang S(2015)Activation of NF-κB pathway mediates alcohol-enhanced progression and metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma. Mol Cancer14(1):10
11)Wang H, Wang X, Ke ZJ, Ashley LC, Xu M, Frank JA, Zhang Z, Shi X., Luo J (2015). Tunicamycin-induced unfolded protein response in the developing moues brain. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.283(3):157-167
12)Johnson S., Hussain SA., Duncan J., Chen G., Luo J., Mclaurin C., Rajkowska G., Ou XM., Stockmeier CA. and Wang J (2015) Alcohol exposure increases double-stranded RNA activated protein kinase (PKR) in the human and rat prefrontal cortex. Alcohol. Clin. Exp Res 39(3):476-84
13)Yong Y., Meng Y., Ding H., Fan Z., Tang Y., Zhou C., Luo J*., Ke ZJ (2015) RAX regulates the migration of cerebellar granule neurons in the developing cerebellum. Sci Rep5:7961
14)Yu K., Yang J., Wang F., Chen L., Luo Y., Luo J., Wang S. (2014). Ethanol Supports Macrophage Recruitment and Reinforces Invasion and Migration of Lewis Lung Carcinoma. Alcohol. Clin. Exp Res38(10):2597-606
15)Ji Z., Fan Z., Yu R., Yang H., Zhang Y., Luo J*., Ke ZJ (2014) Thiamine deficiency promotes T cell infiltration in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: the involvement of CCL2. J. Immunol 193(5):2157-67
16)Baldwin LA, Hoff JT, Lefringhouse J, Zhang M, Jia C, Liu Z, Erfani S, Jin H, Xu M, She QB, van Nagell JR, Wang C, Chen L, Plattner R, Kaetzel DM,Luo J, Lu M, West D, Liu C, Ueland FR, Drapkin R, Zhou BP, Yang XH. (2014) CD151-α3β1 integrin complexes suppress ovarian tumor growth by repressing slug-mediated EMT and canonical Wnt signaling.Oncotarget. 5(23):12203-17.
17)Lu Y., Ni F., Xu M., Yang J., Chen J., Chen Z., Wang X., Luo J*. Wang S (2014) Alcohol promotes mammary tumor growth through activation of VEGF-dependent tumor angiogenesis. Oncol Lett8:673-678
18)Wang H, Ke ZJ, Alimov A, Xu M, Frank JA, Fang S, Luo J (2014). Spatiotemporal expression of MANF in the developing rat brain. PLoS One9(2):e90433
19)Chen Z, Ballar P, Fu Y,Luo J, Du S, Fang S (2014) The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase gp78 Protects against ER Stress in Zebrafish Liver.J Genet Genomics. 41(7):357-68
20)Liu M, Alimov A, Wang H, Frank JA, Katz W, Xu M, Ke ZJ,Luo J (2014). Thiamine deficiency induces anorexia by inhibiting hypothalamic AMPK. Neuroscience267:102-113
21)Udemgba C, Johnson S, Stockmeier C, Luo J, Albert PR, Wang J, May WL, Harris S, Sittman DB, Ou XM (2014) The Expression of KLF11 (TIEG2), a MAO B-transcriptional activator in the prefrontal cortex of human alcohol dependence. Alcohol. Clin. Exp Res38(1):144-51
22)Wang H, Bower KA, Frank JA, Xu M, Luo J(2013) Hypoxic preconditioning alleviates ethanol neurotoxicity: the involvement of autophagy. Neurotox Res. 24(4):472-7
23)Alimov A, Wang H, Liu M, Frank JA, Xu M, Luo J (2013). Expression of autophagy and UPR genes in the developing brain during ethanol-sensitive and resistant Periods. Metabolic Brain Disease 28(4):667-76
24)Li W, Tang Y, Fan Z, Meng Y, Yang G, Luo J*, Ke ZJ. (2013) Autophagy is involved in oligodendroglial precursor-mediated clearance of amyloid peptide. Mol Neurodegener.8:27
25)Meng Y, Yong Y, Yang G, Ding H, Fan Z, Tang Y, Luo J*, Ke ZJ (2013) Autophagy alleviates neurodegeneration caused by mild impairment of oxidative metabolism. J. Neurochem. 126(6):805-18.

2005/07-2008/11 西弗吉尼亚大学终身副教授
2001/02-2008/12 美国国家职业安全与健康研究所客座研究员
1999/11-2005/06 西弗吉尼亚大学助理教授
1998/07-1999/11 爱荷华大学研究助理教授
1995/01-1998/06 爱荷华大学博士后
1989/08-1995/01 爱荷华大学助教/研究助理

1980/09-1984/07 中国海洋大学,生物学学士
1989/08-1995/01 美国爱荷华大学,细胞生物学博士


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