发布时间:2020-04-28 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:

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95%的同学还阅读了: [2020华南理工大学研究生招生简章] [华南理工大学研究生分数线[2013-2020]] [华南理工大学王牌专业排名] [华南理工大学考研难吗] [华南理工大学研究生院] [华南理工大学排名] [华南理工大学考研群] [华南理工大学研究生学费] [华南理工大学研究生奖学金] [考研国家线[2006-2020]] [2021年考研时间:报名日期和考试时间]


To provide a systematic understanding of the causes and motivations of personal travel and good movement and of the means by which movement takes place;
To provide a thorough grounding in techniques for analyzing transport problems and developing and implementing policies and measures for resolving such problems;
To develop appreciation of the importance and methods of evaluating transport projects, plans and policies, taking into account the political, social, environmental, commercial and financial issues involved.
In pursuit of these objectives, the Course places emphasis on road and rail transport in the more industrialized areas of China, whilst recognizing the important roles of other forms of transport and interchange with them, and the different context in which transport problems present themselves in less industrialized areas. Subject to this emphasis, the fundamentals are addressed in ways that are relevant to all means of transport and to every kind of society. The Courses are designed to equip their graduates for work in transport planning, engineering, operations, management, policy and research.
Operational research, Principles of Management Science, Transportation organizations, Transportation economics, Transport systems organization, Forecasting and decision-making technology, Logistics, Transportation equipment, Transportation enterprise management, Traffic Station and transportation junction, Transportation safety.
Graduates can work as transportation managers, designers, planners, organizers, operators, researchers in national and Guangdong Provincial transportation research institutes, consultancy companies, design organizations, transportation management institutions, Government offices, public transport enterprises, road passenger transportation enterprises, freight transport companies, logistics companies, large enterprises transport business department, logistics storage and transportation departments, metro, railway, aviation, water carriage, ports, car services, transport business, transportation insurance organizations and so on.
