发布时间:2016-07-23 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问: 遥感与地理信息工程系




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  The Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Engineering (The Applied Centre of Remote Sensing and GIS Engineering) originated from the Survey Division of Geography Department. It was founded by Professor Miao Hongji in 1978, and upgraded to the Division of Cartography and GIS in 1996. The Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Engineering (The Applied Centre of Remote Sensing and GIS Engineering) was established by merging this division and the Applied Remote Sensing Centre (established in 1989) when the School of Geographical Science and Planning was established in 2002.
  The Department (Centre) has 15 staff members, which include 4 professors, 2 associate professors, 6 lecturers, 2 engineers, and 1 assistant professor. Seven staff members hold PhD degree and six members hold Msc degree. There are a bachelor program in geographical information systems, and master and PhD programs in cartography and geographical information systems. The GIS laboratory has an area of 500 m2, equipped with 120 IBM high-end computers, popular GIS and remote sensing software packages. There are also other survey and spectral analysis instruments in the laboratory.
  The department (center) has undertaken many research projects funded by the national and local agencies. The research interests of the faculty members include urban cellular automata, fuzzy and dynamic representation in GIS, modeling urban land use changes, remote sensing application in oceanography, remote sensing for atmospheric pollution monitoring, and automatic map generalization. Their papers have appeared in top international journals, such as International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment, Environment and Planning A, and Environment and Planning B.