发布时间:2018-08-19 编辑:考研派小莉 推荐访问:




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  工作职位:清华大学 电机系 副教授


  2014.05~        清华大学电机系,副教授博导
  2011.05~        清华大学电机系,副教授
  2009.05~2011.04 清华大学电机系,博士后
  2006.08~2009.04 上海市电力公司电力调度(通信)中心,主管
  2004.07~2006.07 中科院系统所,博士后
  2001.09~2001.12 英国Brunel大学电机系,访问学生
  2000.12~2001.03 香港大学电机系,访问学生



  1)     梅生伟, 刘锋, 薛安成. 电力系统暂态分析的半张量积方法, 清华大学出版社,  2010.12
  2、Book Chapter
  S. Mei, F. Liu, Q. Lu, Nonlinear Control of A Class of Differential-Algebraic Equation Systems, “Advanced Robust And Adaptive Control Theory and Applications”, edited by Daizhan Cheng, Yuanzhang Sun, Tielong Shen, Hiromitsu Ohmori, Tsinghua University Press,2004
  1)     Yanbo Chen,Liu Feng,Shengwei Mei,Jin Ma, A Robust WLAV State Estimation Using Optimal Transformations,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, in press.
  2)     Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei,Nash Bargain and Complementarity Approach Based Environmental/Economic Dispatch, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, in press.
  3)     Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei, Dispatchable Region of the Variable Wind Generation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, in press.
  4)     Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei,Offering Non-Dominated Strategies Under Uncertain Market Prices, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, in press.
  5)     Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei,Energy Pricing and Dispatch for Smart Grid Retailers Under Demand Response and Market Price Uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, in press.
  6)     Yanbo Chen, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei, Jin Ma, Toward adaptive robust state estimation based on MCC by using the generalized Gaussian density as kernel functions, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2015, 71, 297-304
  7)     Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei,Robust Energy and Reserve Dispatch Under Variable Renewable Generation,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2015,6(1):369-380
  8)     Mei, Shengwei,Zhang, De,Wang, Yingying,Liu, Feng,Wei, Wei,Robust Optimization of Static Reserve Planning With Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power: A Game Theoretic Approach, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2014,5(2):535-545
  9)     W Wei,F Liu,S Mei,E Lu,Two-level unit commitment and reserve level adjustment considering large-scale wind power integration,International transactions on electrical energy systems,2014(24):1726-1746
  10)   Wei, Wei,Liang, Yile,Liu, Feng,Mei, Shengwei,Tian, Fang,Taxing Strategies for Carbon Emissions: A Bilevel Optimization Approach, Energies,2014,7(4):2228-2245
  11)   Chen, Yanbo,Liu, Feng,Mei, Shengwei,He, Guangyu,Lu, Qiang,Fu, Yanlan, An Improved Recursive Bayesian Approach for Transformer Tap Position Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2013,28(3):2830-2841
  12)   Yang, Su,Liu, Feng,Zhang, De,Mei, Shengwei,Polynomial approximation of the small-signal stability region boundaries and its credible region in high-dimensional parameter space,International transactions on electrical energy systems,2013,23(6):784-801
  13)   Qi, Junjian,Mei, Shengwei,Liu, Feng,Blackout Model Considering Slow Process, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2013,28(3):3274-3282
  14)   Feng Liu,Jian Sun,J. Si,Wentao Guo,Shengwei Mei,A boundedness result for the direct heuristic dynamic programming,Neural Networks,2012,32(specical issue):229-235
  15)   Yanbo Chen,Feng Liu,Guangyu He,A Seidel-Type Recursive Bayesian Approach and Its Applications to Power Systems,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2012,27(3):1710-1711
  16)   Shengwei Mei,Yingying Wang,Feng Liu, Game approaches for hybrid power system planning,IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2012,3(3):506-517
  17)   Zhu JianQuan,Liu Feng,Mei ShengWei,An assessment framework for branch parameter estimation of power systems,Science China Technological Sciences,2012,55(6):1631-1643
  18)   Ni JingMin,Shen Chen,Liu Feng,Estimation of the electromechanical characteristics of power systems based on a revised stochastic subspace method and the stabilization diagram,Science China Technological Sciences,2012,55(6):1677-1687
  19)   Liu Feng,Wei Wei,Mei ShengWei,On expansion of estimated stability region: Theory, methodology, and application to power systems, Science China-Technological Sciences,2011,54(6):1394-1406
  20)   Mei, S.,Wei, W.,Zheng, S.,Liu, F.,Development of an industrial non-linear robust power system stabiliser and its improved frequency-domain testing method, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution,2011,5(12):1201-1210
