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  • 院校名称:温州医科大学
  • 所在省份:浙江
  • 调剂专业: 生物学
  • 学术类别:全日制
  • 发布日期:2018-04-03
  • 基因组医学研究院生物学相关专业




    吴建民,兰州大学-美国马里兰州大学帕克分校联合培养博士,瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院博士后,副研究员,硕士生导师。浙江省高校中青年学科带头人,温州市551人才。研究方向为非编码RNA(包括miRNA和lncRNA)在肿瘤转移和肿瘤免疫中的功能研究。目前,已主持国家自然科学基金2项,浙江省自然基金等项目3项。迄今为止,在CellDeath&Disease,Carcinogenesis,PlosGenetics,PlosOne,PlantCell,JViralHepat等国际著 名期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇。本课题组经费充足,2017年拟招收硕士研究生调剂生2-3名,如有意向且符合以下条件者,请将简历发至邮箱











    1.Wu, J., Sun, Y., Zhang, P.Y., Qian, M., Zhang, H., Chen, X., Ma, D., Xu, Y., and Tang, K.F. (2016). The Fra-1-miR-134-SDS22 feedback loop amplifies ERK/JNK signaling and reduces chemosensitivity in ovarian cancer cells. Cell Death Dis 7, e2384. (IF:5.965)

    2.Wu, J., Zhang, X.J., Shi, K.Q., Chen, Y.P., Ren, Y.F., Song, Y.J., Li, G., Xue, Y.F., Fang, Y.X., Deng, Z.J., et al. (2014). Hepatitis B surface antigen inhibits MICA and MICB expression via induction of cellular miRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Carcinogenesis 35, 155-163. (IF:5.105)

    3.Wu, J., Wu, G., Lv, L., Ren, Y.F., Zhang, X.J., Xue, Y.F., Li, G., Lu, X., Sun, Z., and Tang, K.F. (2012). MicroRNA-34a inhibits migration and invasion of colon cancer cells via targeting to Fra-1. Carcinogenesis 33, 519-528. (IF:5.105)

    4.Zhang, C. #, Wu, J. #, Liao, M., Wang, J.L., and Xu, C.J. (2016). The ROCK/GGTase Pathway Are Essential to the Proliferation and Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells Mediated by Simvastatin. J Mol Neurosci 60, 474-485. (#, co-first author) (IF:2.352)

    5.Ren, Y.F.#, Li, G.#, Wu, J.#, Xue, Y.F., Song, Y.J., Lv, L., Zhang, X.J., and Tang, K.F. (2012). Dicer-Dependent Biogenesis of Small RNAs Derived from 7SL RNA. PLoS One 7, e40705. (#, co-first author) (IF:3.234)

    6.Sun, X.R.#, Wu, J.#, and Tang, K.F. (2014). The interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) +874T allele reduces the risk of hepatitis B infection in an Asian population. J Viral Hepat 21, 281-287 (#, co-first author) (IF:3.909)

    7.Guan, Q., Wu, J., Yue, X., Zhang, Y., and Zhu, J. (2013). A Nuclear Calcium-Sensing Pathway Is Critical for Gene Regulation and Salt Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet 9, e1003755. (IF:7.528)

    8.Guan, Q., Wu, J., Zhang, Y., Jiang, C., Liu, R., Chai, C., and Zhu, J. (2013). A DEAD Box RNA Helicase Is Critical for Pre-mRNA Splicing, Cold-Responsive Gene Regulation, and Cold Tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25, 342-356. (IF:9.338)