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1.朱志强、王其如(中大). Frequency measures on time scales with applications. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications(美国), 319(2006)
2.朱志强、王根强、郑穗生(台湾清华). A classification scheme for nonoscillatory solutions of a higher order neutral difference equations, Advances in Difference equations(美国), Vol.(2006)
3.朱志强,郑穗生. Unsaturated positive solutions of partial difference equations with forcing terms, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 4(4), 2006
4.朱志强、汤幕忠(韩师)、郑穗生. Oscillation and comparison theorems for second order differential equations. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(保加利亚), 27(2)(2006)
5.朱志强、郑穗生. Frequently oscillatory solutions for multi-level partial difference equations, International Mathematical Forum(保加利亚), 1(31)(2006)
6.朱志强、郑穗生. Frequently oscillatory solutions of neutral difference equations. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 29 (3) (2005)
7.朱志强、郑穗生. Asymptotic power solutions of higher order neutral functional differential equations. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics(台湾), 35 ( 4 ) ( 2004 )
8.朱志强、王根强、郑穗生. Asymptotic behavior of a class of impulsive differential equations. Far East Journal of Mathematical Science(印度), 5 ( 3 ) ( 2002 )
9.朱志强. 高阶中立型泛函微分方程非振动解的渐近性态,中山大学学报,2002,3
10. 朱志强、陈潮填. 具有函数型关联因子的大系统的部分联结稳定性. 吉首大学学报,2002.3